Cluster #7
Keywords: self, cs, courses, design, good, best, programming, resources, learning, learn
1. I'm a software engineer going blind, how should I prepare?

3270 points by zachrip on 19-Apr-2020 | 473 comments

2. How to self-learn electronics?

1681 points by sidyapa on 06-Apr-2018 | 302 comments

3. How to get started with machine learning?

950 points by georgehdd on 15-Oct-2016 | 125 comments

4. What Skills to Acquire in 2020?

930 points by xcoding on 04-Feb-2020 | 862 comments

5. What overlooked class of tools should a self-taught programmer look into

927 points by nathanasmith on 13-May-2019 | 401 comments

6. What language-agnostic programming books should I read?

927 points by robschia on 05-Jun-2017 | 337 comments

7. How to learn sales?

865 points by northpoleescape on 26-Sep-2020 | 231 comments

8. Is web programming a series of hacks on hacks?

822 points by barefootcoder on 12-Sep-2016 | 661 comments

9. How do you share/organize knowledge at work and life?

781 points by gavribirnbaum on 21-Oct-2019 | 296 comments

10. Best way to get started with AI?

709 points by hackathonguy on 13-Nov-2017 | 91 comments

11. How to prepare as soon-to-be blind developer?

696 points by MathCodeLove on 14-Feb-2022 | 171 comments

12. How Do You Read?

686 points by vilvadot on 31-Aug-2019 | 247 comments

13. Best way to learn modern C++?

686 points by jxub on 07-Mar-2018 | 173 comments

14. How Can I Learn Music Theory?

673 points by deanstag on 18-Dec-2019 | 239 comments

15. How to self-study mathematics from the undergrad through graduate level?

654 points by hsikka on 18-Jan-2019 | 227 comments

16. What maths are critical to pursuing ML/AI?

628 points by chrisherd on 28-Aug-2017 | 135 comments

17. How to self-learn math?

618 points by sidyapa on 11-Mar-2018 | 208 comments

18. Recommend me a course on Coursera

603 points by Eugeleo on 09-Apr-2020 | 135 comments

19. Developers with kids, how do you skill up?

589 points by fatherofone on 08-Mar-2017 | 511 comments

20. What should a systems/low-level software engineer know?

551 points by avrmav on 11-Jan-2019 | 226 comments

21. Good ways to capture institutional knowledge?

547 points by alhirzel on 01-Mar-2020 | 213 comments

22. What are some interesting papers in CS for a beginner?

534 points by avinassh on 14-Nov-2017 | 91 comments

23. Resources to learn blockchain and smart contracts?

526 points by nepger21 on 04-Oct-2017 | 116 comments

24. What habits make a programmer great?

518 points by zachng on 06-Jul-2017 | 183 comments

25. Which Berkeley Courses Should I Archive?

512 points by berkeleyarchive on 14-Mar-2017 | 148 comments

26. Tools of the trade, 2013 edition

494 points by sharjeel on 17-Feb-2013 | 159 comments

27. What's the best resource for learning modern x64 assembly?

492 points by ssklash on 08-Feb-2020 | 109 comments

28. What are must-know concepts for back end development?

491 points by chrisdsaldivar on 21-Jan-2019 | 130 comments

29. Is Georgia Tech's Online Master in CS Worth It?

489 points by soneca on 15-Aug-2017 | 210 comments

30. Top Coursera Courses?

486 points by joshlk on 29-Nov-2020 | 157 comments

31. How to rediscover the joy of programming?

483 points by throwaway2951 on 13-Apr-2020 | 329 comments

32. Your favourite tutorial for total beginners?

480 points by mcbetz on 01-Aug-2019 | 199 comments

33. What are some good resources to learn how electricity works?

472 points by farleykr on 18-Jun-2020 | 180 comments

34. What is your best advice for a junior software developer?

470 points by nothing_to_see on 03-Oct-2018 | 453 comments

35. How can I do social good through programming?

461 points by simplicitea on 19-May-2017 | 376 comments

36. How to self-study physics?

451 points by hsikka on 25-Mar-2020 | 184 comments

37. What is the best online resource to learn advanced SQL?

448 points by rorykoehler on 17-Jan-2017 | 97 comments

38. How do I learn math/physics in my thirties?

441 points by mosconaut on 15-May-2018 | 154 comments

39. How to learn best practices when you have no one to teach you?

440 points by bradhoffman on 18-Mar-2019 | 196 comments

40. How do I learn C properly?

432 points by buchanae on 08-Mar-2020 | 199 comments

41. Good books/courses to learn networking essentials for web developers?

430 points by giulianopz on 27-Jun-2021 | 71 comments

42. Full-on machine learning for 2020, what are the best resources?

423 points by jamesxv7 on 31-Dec-2019 | 118 comments

43. How do you learn complex, dense technical information?

420 points by _benj on 14-Feb-2020 | 175 comments

44. What free resources did you use to learn how to program ML/AI?

415 points by acalderaro on 12-Aug-2017 | 51 comments

45. What bits of fundamental knowledge are productivity multipliers?

413 points by stardustpie on 30-Mar-2022 | 419 comments

46. Recommended resources to learn the Linux kernel and OS theory?

408 points by non-entity on 27-Aug-2019 | 83 comments

47. How do you familiarize yourself with a new codebase?

407 points by roflc0ptic on 26-Jun-2015 | 238 comments

48. I've been a programmer for 6 years, and I can't solve basic CS problems

404 points by cs0 on 13-Nov-2018 | 296 comments

49. What source code is worth studying?

403 points by SatyajitSarangi on 17-Apr-2014 | 166 comments

50. How to organize personal knowledge?

403 points by _1tan on 01-Sep-2018 | 220 comments

51. High-Quality Online Degree for Mathematics?

398 points by sreeramvenkat on 07-Jan-2019 | 96 comments

52. What's your favorite online course?

395 points by sidcool on 29-Nov-2015 | 159 comments

53. Old CS lecturer looking for advice from current and recent students

392 points by geophile on 30-Jun-2018 | 181 comments

54. The book that did it for you in math and/or CS?

392 points by debanjan16 on 27-Feb-2022 | 205 comments

55. Any good examples of learning through games/puzzles, for adults?

391 points by justaguyhere on 26-Jul-2018 | 137 comments

56. Engineers from non-CS background, how did you pivot into ML/AI?

390 points by ultrasounder on 31-Dec-2018 | 132 comments

57. Best resources to gain math intuition?

389 points by fluroblue on 26-Aug-2019 | 89 comments

58. What's the one thing that let you grow the most as a developer?

374 points by main_c on 03-Mar-2017 | 243 comments

59. I've been promoted to Architect. What do I need to learn/do to excel?

373 points by dotdi on 12-May-2020 | 215 comments

60. Any recommended resources to develop system thinking?

365 points by febin on 29-Mar-2018 | 106 comments

61. What does mastery look like in software engineering?

365 points by abdabab on 05-Jan-2021 | 276 comments

62. How Sound Is the “Teach Yourself CS” Learning Resource?

360 points by rxsel on 10-Feb-2020 | 76 comments

63. For those programming 10+ years, what do you wish you knew 4 years in?

360 points by dhruvkar on 18-May-2017 | 513 comments

64. How to get started with audio programming?

358 points by Flex247A on 25-May-2021 | 120 comments

65. What do you want to learn in 2017?

357 points by reinhardt1053 on 25-Dec-2016 | 494 comments

66. How do you review code?

357 points by skewart on 03-Apr-2016 | 140 comments

67. Any recommended books on developing mental models?

350 points by febin on 26-Dec-2017 | 61 comments

68. How or where to begin learning mathematics from first principles?

345 points by smtucker on 04-Dec-2014 | 123 comments

69. What are the best advanced computer science courses online?

345 points by st1x7 on 01-Dec-2020 | 89 comments

70. How can a front-end developer dive into machine learning?

340 points by FahadUddin92 on 12-May-2017 | 148 comments

71. Good C++ code bases to read?

336 points by ChuckMcM on 26-Oct-2020 | 253 comments

72. How to learn proper systems programming?

336 points by systems_learn on 21-Jun-2021 | 93 comments

73. A good primer on cryptocurrencies?

328 points by uptownfunk on 29-Jun-2017 | 72 comments

74. How do I choose the right resource to learn CS fundamentals?

328 points by 8589934591 on 31-Dec-2019 | 89 comments

75. How did you build up your personal knowledge base?

324 points by smartis2812 on 23-Oct-2019 | 107 comments

76. Best introductory video courses on ML and Deep Learning?

323 points by rayalez on 13-Jan-2018 | 40 comments

77. How to Teach Coding?

322 points by moveax on 24-Apr-2019 | 121 comments

78. What is your advice for a technical founder learning sales?

314 points by englishmaninnyc on 17-Oct-2018 | 78 comments

79. What code samples should programmers read?

310 points by _Microft on 05-Jun-2017 | 148 comments

80. What book to read to get a footing in CS theory?

306 points by bjackman on 18-Aug-2019 | 82 comments

81. What are the best resources for learning security and pen testing?

305 points by relaunched on 19-Jul-2018 | 51 comments

82. Resources for introverted devs to learn workplace politics?

299 points by _nkoa on 20-Nov-2018 | 174 comments

83. What are the things keep in mind while giving/preparing for a tech talk?

299 points by scarecrowx on 19-Jul-2018 | 166 comments

84. How Can I Get into NLP (Natural Language Processing)?

297 points by aarohmankad on 10-Nov-2016 | 43 comments

85. What makes a good technical leader – any recommended books?

297 points by latentdeepspace on 07-Jul-2020 | 114 comments

86. Please share your experience teaching your kids to program

295 points by lmilcin on 05-Jan-2021 | 234 comments

87. Resources to grok Emacs and use it well?

292 points by AnonC on 15-Apr-2020 | 176 comments

88. DevOps learning resources

288 points by durian89 on 28-Jun-2017 | 64 comments

89. Where can one learn about the history of the internet and the protocols?

287 points by joddystreet on 25-Jul-2018 | 71 comments

90. How can I get better at bash?

286 points by cocolos on 26-Jun-2017 | 185 comments

91. Something like Khan Academy but full curriculum for grade schoolers?

283 points by jmspring on 10-Jul-2020 | 104 comments

92. Anyone here have good material for learning how to sketch from scratch?

283 points by autotune on 25-Feb-2022 | 130 comments

93. What are some good resources to learn business administration/finance?

280 points by dattl on 25-Jul-2020 | 77 comments

94. How best to learn software design principles?

274 points by chaimkut on 07-Jul-2014 | 98 comments

95. How Do You Learn?

274 points by ggktk on 10-Sep-2021 | 171 comments

96. What's the best algorithms and data structures online course?

273 points by zabana on 21-Feb-2018 | 36 comments

97. How and where can I publish my research on AI as a college dropout?

270 points by james1234 on 09-Oct-2017 | 82 comments

98. Where do I get started on ASICs, FPGA, RTL, Verilog et. al?

267 points by bharatkhatri14 on 01-Oct-2017 | 109 comments

99. How to Seriously Start with Machine Learning and AI

264 points by meddy on 17-Jan-2018 | 71 comments

100. Which people and groups are researching new approaches to programming?

263 points by maryrosecook on 18-Jan-2016 | 121 comments

101. What's the best way to learn about the blockchain?

259 points by moksha256 on 24-Sep-2016 | 74 comments

102. What are your best learning methods/hacks/tips?

259 points by justaguyhere on 29-Mar-2019 | 97 comments

103. How to best teach a group of children how to code?

257 points by jiblyyyy on 27-Jan-2017 | 114 comments

104. Learning about philosophy

257 points by rupi on 05-Dec-2020 | 284 comments

105. Overwhelmed with learning front-end, how do I proceed?

255 points by PythonicPro on 06-Nov-2016 | 132 comments

106. What topics/subjects are worth learning for a new software engineer?

253 points by jmeiha on 16-Sep-2018 | 141 comments

107. I'm looking for a good book on the fundamentals of CS

253 points by Karsteski on 09-Dec-2021 | 188 comments

108. Machine learning resources for audio processing

252 points by samrohn on 17-Apr-2019 | 26 comments

109. The rising “Hackathon Hackers” culture

251 points by haskellvilain on 15-Mar-2015 | 153 comments

110. How to improve as a struggling junior software engineer?

249 points by 3a2d29 on 10-Apr-2022 | 170 comments

111. Do you have a process or a framework to learn specific skills quickly?

247 points by hypnotist on 31-Jul-2021 | 114 comments

112. How to get started developing with FPGA?

247 points by jason_slack on 28-Oct-2018 | 84 comments

113. What Have You Learned at Google as a Software Engineer?

246 points by aalhour on 08-Sep-2019 | 151 comments

114. What are good resources to learn system design?

246 points by techsin101 on 13-Oct-2020 | 65 comments

115. Tools of the trade, 2010 edition

240 points by joshu on 07-Oct-2010 | 92 comments

116. Resources for building a programming language?

239 points by kevinSuttle on 04-Sep-2017 | 83 comments

117. How can I learn how to paint?

238 points by scanny on 13-Mar-2019 | 159 comments

118. Best place to start learning about Markov Chains?

237 points by chrisherd on 11-Apr-2019 | 68 comments

119. How should I teach code to kids?

236 points by holaboyperu on 18-Feb-2017 | 133 comments

120. What is your learning strategy?

234 points by erkanerol on 17-May-2020 | 99 comments

121. I'd like to learn vocals, any suggestion on how I can do this?

229 points by kevindeasis on 30-May-2020 | 86 comments

122. What is the best Modern C++ MOOC?

228 points by senatorobama on 10-Apr-2018 | 50 comments

123. Thoughts on Rich Hickey's advice on becoming a better developer?

225 points by krat0sprakhar on 16-Feb-2015 | 104 comments

124. How do I learn JavaScript?

223 points by qwerty456127 on 19-Feb-2020 | 123 comments

125. What's your process for learning?

222 points by mysterpaul on 26-Jun-2017 | 96 comments

126. How to learn new things better?

222 points by kahrkunne on 01-Jan-2017 | 90 comments

127. What Are You Learning?

222 points by sergiomattei on 25-Jun-2021 | 350 comments

128. Getting started in biology with a software background

222 points by nscalf on 31-Oct-2019 | 145 comments

129. How do you start giving tech talks?

222 points by litzer on 28-Jul-2017 | 89 comments

130. What are hardware development learning web tutorials?

222 points by yadavrg on 19-Nov-2017 | 40 comments

131. I want to start learning Lisp. Where do I begin?

222 points by priyanshuraj on 16-Dec-2020 | 204 comments

132. Where did you learn modular electronics?

222 points by BrandoElFollito on 25-Apr-2018 | 67 comments

133. Losing all interest in programming, what now?

221 points by the_only_law on 10-Dec-2020 | 166 comments

134. How to transition from academic programming to software engineering?

220 points by fdsvnsmvas on 09-Sep-2018 | 103 comments

135. What did the really successful programmers do differently?

219 points by BadassFractal on 08-Oct-2012 | 168 comments

136. What skills to acquire in 2019?

218 points by miguelrochefort on 26-Dec-2018 | 183 comments

137. What programming skills are required by HFT or Trading firms

217 points by mraza007 on 15-May-2020 | 214 comments

138. What are some resources to improve speaking skills?

216 points by throwaway_yc on 31-Oct-2019 | 69 comments

139. How do I learn drawing?

216 points by f311a on 05-Mar-2021 | 117 comments

140. How do technical non-developers help with open source projects?

216 points by thomk on 01-Apr-2015 | 88 comments

141. Resources to learn real analysis?

215 points by pedrodelfino on 24-Mar-2018 | 101 comments

142. Strategies for mentoring junior developers?

215 points by PaulStatezny on 29-Mar-2018 | 71 comments

143. What are the best resources to learn computer vision?

214 points by ameyades on 28-Jun-2017 | 57 comments

144. Resources for catching up on modern JavaScript for Python/C++ Programmer

214 points by alibarber on 10-Apr-2018 | 71 comments

145. How to blog things I've learnt in graduate school?

213 points by jamesecurry on 30-May-2018 | 51 comments

146. What's a starting point for learning how to write programming languages?

213 points by da_murvel on 12-Sep-2018 | 95 comments

147. Why does visual programming suck?

212 points by dvdhsu on 04-Jun-2017 | 315 comments

148. How can I learn to read mathematical notation?

212 points by cursorial on 22-Nov-2018 | 137 comments

149. Math books like SICP?

212 points by nextos on 12-Apr-2014 | 89 comments

150. Self-taught webdev with lots of free time. What should I learn?

212 points by thatcodingdude on 12-Aug-2020 | 317 comments

151. What non-technical skills make a senior dev and how to develop them?

212 points by poushkar on 15-Jun-2016 | 130 comments

152. How to self study management, especially supply chain management?

212 points by caaaadr on 31-Mar-2020 | 49 comments

153. Desperate Python Hacker Seeking Help and Suggestions

212 points by helpmehn on 30-Jul-2011 | 181 comments

154. What is the best online course you've ever taken?

211 points by gymshoes on 30-Nov-2018 | 56 comments

155. Learning the business-side of things as a developer?

211 points by hvasilev on 02-May-2020 | 48 comments

156. How to not fail on coding interview questions?

206 points by evoneutron on 17-Jun-2018 | 126 comments

157. Learning to code, without a computer?

205 points by givinguflac on 08-Oct-2016 | 185 comments

158. CS and programming books of 2017

205 points by avrmav on 08-Dec-2017 | 71 comments

159. I've learned a programming language – how do I solve problems with code?

205 points by bnb on 28-Nov-2014 | 104 comments

160. Books that teach you programming languages via systems projects?

204 points by Foe on 10-Sep-2021 | 66 comments

161. Any recommendations on resources for learning one algorithm a day?

204 points by alphanumeric0 on 08-Oct-2016 | 40 comments

162. Blind programmers, what can I do to make my code easier for you?

202 points by ioquatix on 18-Nov-2018 | 43 comments

163. What audio resources can improve my technical skills during my commute?

200 points by bberrry on 04-Sep-2017 | 93 comments

164. What should be taught in high school?

200 points by NiloCK on 28-Nov-2019 | 236 comments

165. Which are the best Go repositories to read to learn the language?

199 points by Kreotiko on 17-Jan-2021 | 49 comments

166. How does your company keep track of lessons learned?

198 points by KennyFromIT on 11-Feb-2020 | 128 comments

167. Looking for a book on algorithms and data structures

197 points by OulaX on 14-Nov-2021 | 96 comments

168. Best self-starter resources to learn web design?

197 points by shry4ns on 03-Dec-2021 | 44 comments

169. Resources for blind developers and sysadmins?

197 points by PakG1 on 24-Nov-2018 | 44 comments

170. How to effectively learn PowerShell?

196 points by mondoshawan on 15-Jan-2017 | 100 comments

171. Intellectually simulating Podcasts/conversations/Talk

196 points by gajju3588 on 02-May-2020 | 99 comments

172. Best paid courses you've taken?

195 points by selleck on 12-Feb-2020 | 77 comments

173. How to learn about text editor architectures and implementations?

195 points by s3arch on 10-Jan-2022 | 72 comments

174. Resources on how to improve abstract thinking skills?

195 points by mezod on 20-Nov-2017 | 81 comments

175. What are good projects to understand CUDA and GPU Programming?

195 points by skywalker212 on 02-Oct-2018 | 37 comments

176. Learning modern web design and CSS

194 points by themanr on 25-Sep-2017 | 53 comments

177. Fully online CS degrees?

191 points by intermittently on 11-Dec-2017 | 113 comments

178. Organizing company knowledge?

190 points by tmaly on 11-Apr-2018 | 106 comments

179. How do you personally learn?

190 points by tchaffee on 14-Jul-2019 | 80 comments

180. I'm an incoming freshman to college for a CS major, what should I know?

187 points by fish45 on 31-May-2020 | 273 comments

181. How do you read programming books?

186 points by pvsukale3 on 19-Nov-2017 | 78 comments

182. Any good collaboratively built documentation on good parenting?

186 points by davidpelayo on 08-May-2018 | 123 comments

183. How did you get started in Network Security/Penetration Testing?

185 points by Txmm on 01-Sep-2017 | 64 comments

184. Starting blogging when you're not an expert?

185 points by Prygan on 01-Aug-2017 | 118 comments

185. Why isn’t visual programming a bigger thing?

185 points by remolacha on 20-May-2020 | 297 comments

186. Resources to start learning about quantum computing?

185 points by edu on 22-Jul-2020 | 50 comments

187. Compiler Engineers, what would you advise new grads/students to learn?

182 points by generichuman on 08-Sep-2019 | 45 comments

188. Is it a waste of time to teach yourself data science without a degree?

182 points by thewarrior on 05-May-2017 | 138 comments

189. As a programmer, how do you know if you're a good one or not?

182 points by dvnguyen on 26-Nov-2018 | 99 comments

190. How can I learn computer security?

181 points by boniface316 on 22-Dec-2017 | 55 comments

191. Resources for engineers new to system design

180 points by ledneb on 11-Feb-2019 | 19 comments

192. Resources for getting started with bare-metal coding?

179 points by DATACOMMANDER on 23-Jun-2019 | 68 comments

193. How to Self-Study Integrated Circuit Design?

178 points by hsikka on 12-May-2019 | 39 comments

194. Resources to learn basic UI layout design for React apps?

178 points by mav3rick on 09-Apr-2020 | 49 comments

195. Starting a Career in Programming at 61?

177 points by wofo on 25-Mar-2022 | 181 comments

196. Is there a website specialized in mathematics courses?

176 points by dalleh on 26-Oct-2020 | 86 comments

197. What kind of information do you look for before learning/using new tech?

171 points by wrestlerman on 28-Jan-2019 | 110 comments

198. Learn Math the Hard Way

171 points by nsomaru on 08-Jul-2012 | 84 comments

199. How did you get started in tech and/or Linux?

171 points by indigodaddy on 03-Oct-2020 | 152 comments

200. What do you use Machine Learning for?

170 points by endorphone on 17-May-2017 | 160 comments

201. What's the best way to write an API spec?

170 points by chrisshroba on 19-Jan-2015 | 56 comments

202. How can I prepare for a coding interview in a week?

170 points by mattdue on 14-Aug-2018 | 100 comments

203. How to incorporate machine learning into day job?

169 points by s_c_r on 10-Dec-2018 | 53 comments

204. How to initiate or respond to small talk (not the programming language)?

168 points by phekunde on 27-May-2019 | 64 comments

205. How to best acquire theoretical computer science knowledge?

167 points by jophde on 07-Sep-2013 | 116 comments

206. How do you learn to develop exploits?

166 points by bcattle on 16-Jun-2012 | 78 comments

207. Introduction to Analog Synthesizers (Simulation OK)

166 points by brudgers on 13-Jul-2021 | 122 comments

208. What is key to good technical documentation?

165 points by jnxx on 08-Sep-2019 | 88 comments

209. Why is machine learning easier to learn than basic social skills?

165 points by btheshoe on 25-Nov-2021 | 176 comments

210. What are your best “soft skill” resources?

164 points by acconrad on 01-Aug-2015 | 66 comments

211. How can I get better at design?

163 points by nudge on 30-Jun-2010 | 98 comments

212. Why is visual programming so popular for game programming?

163 points by arduinomancer on 06-Apr-2022 | 147 comments

213. Which Coursera courses/specializations you recommend?

163 points by quotz on 05-Jun-2020 | 61 comments

214. Learning to write good JavaScript

163 points by rcknight on 19-Oct-2012 | 49 comments

215. Any recommended resources to learn market analysis?

162 points by febin on 15-May-2018 | 36 comments

216. What are good distance learning Bachelor's/Master's degrees one can do?

161 points by polyphonicist on 24-Feb-2020 | 66 comments

217. How do you manage multiple learning projects?

161 points by jansho on 05-Nov-2017 | 78 comments

218. What is the best way to spend my time as a 17-year-old who can code?

161 points by jmeyer2k on 24-Sep-2017 | 180 comments

219. Computer science for the self taught programmer

160 points by andys627 on 01-Apr-2012 | 36 comments

220. Solving problems by mapping to other problems that we know how to solve

160 points by piotrgrudzien on 17-Jan-2022 | 76 comments

221. Which TypeScript codebase should I study to get better?

158 points by nblavoie on 09-Nov-2017 | 73 comments

222. Learning multiple languages vs. mastering one

157 points by trtobe on 23-May-2018 | 131 comments

223. Best way to learn HTML and CSS for web design?

156 points by dpapathanasiou on 06-Feb-2016 | 65 comments

224. Best place to learn GPU programing?

155 points by hubatrix on 29-Jun-2016 | 54 comments

225. I'd like to practice coding GUI from scratch. Any recommendations?

154 points by scott01 on 20-Mar-2022 | 91 comments

226. Any “bootcamps” or courses for intermediate/advanced people?

153 points by peruvian on 14-Jul-2017 | 93 comments

227. What's a Non-Programmer to do?

152 points by gsaines on 22-Aug-2009 | 78 comments

228. How do I learn how to become a good sysadmin?

151 points by nstart on 22-Apr-2015 | 118 comments

229. How to effectively get feedback from users?

151 points by h99 on 02-Nov-2020 | 90 comments

230. How did you learn about stocks and the market?

150 points by n13 on 19-Apr-2016 | 156 comments

231. Good public speaking course/resources?

150 points by hubatrix on 04-Mar-2017 | 39 comments

232. Resources for “Learning” Manufacturing?

149 points by supermatt on 04-Jan-2022 | 72 comments

233. Which areas of math are practical to programming/algorithms and why?

149 points by kevindeasis on 21-Sep-2016 | 95 comments

234. Resources on how Google/Facebook etc. approach software design?

148 points by tinktank on 29-May-2019 | 39 comments

235. Any tips for a programmer wanting to switch into security?

148 points by Murgen_ on 07-Feb-2021 | 110 comments

236. Favorite live coding channels for intermediate/advanced topics?

147 points by deilline on 25-Jun-2021 | 35 comments

237. Recommendations for learning and improving UX/UI skills?

147 points by pgambling on 31-Jul-2012 | 50 comments

238. How can a intermediate-beginner learn Unix/Linux and programming?

147 points by learnTemp229462 on 21-Mar-2020 | 109 comments

239. What is your favorite YouTube channel to learn advanced programming?

147 points by akudha on 03-Oct-2020 | 30 comments

240. How to get good at social media?

146 points by thrwaway69 on 21-Apr-2020 | 67 comments

241. Where to look to learn UX/Design

146 points by d_mcgraw on 07-Oct-2010 | 60 comments

242. What is your best advice for a developer to write better code?

146 points by gdaz on 29-Jun-2016 | 190 comments

243. Essential skill needed to be a programmer?

144 points by catwind7 on 06-Oct-2020 | 184 comments

244. What are some good React tutorials?

144 points by Kaladin on 10-Apr-2016 | 45 comments

245. As an experienced dev, how do you learn a language/framework quickly?

144 points by nemild on 12-May-2014 | 66 comments

246. How do we build the new remote education system

144 points by lifeisstillgood on 13-Jan-2021 | 202 comments

247. What is your goto resource for learning about big data, ML, AI etc?

144 points by vijayr on 28-Oct-2016 | 40 comments

248. No formal software education – is there hope for me?

143 points by polishdude20 on 03-May-2020 | 157 comments

249. good, quick algorithms course to prepare for big tech interviews?

143 points by zxcvvcxz on 19-Sep-2011 | 27 comments

250. Why do tutorial writers combine 10 technologies when 1 or 2 would do?

143 points by akudha on 20-Jan-2019 | 78 comments

251. What are the best resources to properly learn Scala?

143 points by godmodus on 27-Mar-2017 | 57 comments

252. Can engineers from Google or Facebook solve whiteboard questions easily?

142 points by franzwong on 14-Aug-2018 | 199 comments

253. Is the “The Art of Computer Programming” Worth the Investment?

141 points by main_c on 22-May-2019 | 69 comments

254. How do you write great sentences, paragraphs, or articles?

140 points by ekpyrotic on 25-Nov-2012 | 78 comments

255. How do you read Academic Papers?

140 points by milesf on 22-Mar-2015 | 71 comments

256. improving your design skills?

140 points by davidw on 05-Feb-2010 | 80 comments

257. Is it worth paying for a Coursera course?

138 points by eecks on 09-Apr-2016 | 110 comments

258. What coding challenge sites should I try next?

138 points by lakechfoma on 01-Dec-2017 | 63 comments

259. What habits made you a better programmer?

138 points by bpourriahi on 09-Sep-2010 | 98 comments

260. Visual Design for Hackers

137 points by DanI-S on 27-Oct-2010 | 31 comments

261. Best way to relearn basic math?

137 points by non-entity on 16-Jul-2019 | 29 comments

262. Advice for a young, self-taught programmer

136 points by godarderik on 12-Jun-2011 | 73 comments

263. How do you organize your knowledge?

136 points by rxsel on 25-Apr-2021 | 106 comments

264. Tips for Hackers having Kids?

136 points by thegyppo on 12-Aug-2010 | 130 comments

265. How do I start with test driven development?

136 points by pravj on 21-Feb-2015 | 64 comments

266. Which are the best resources to learn software architecture?

135 points by labarilem on 31-Jan-2020 | 34 comments

267. Best resources to learn SEO?

135 points by msencenb on 09-Sep-2010 | 46 comments

268. What makes an online course amazing?

134 points by dewy on 15-Mar-2020 | 49 comments

269. Can you discuss CS in your native language?

134 points by widforss on 01-Jun-2020 | 168 comments

270. What are some skills you have that are worth learning?

132 points by DavidSJ on 07-Jul-2020 | 170 comments

271. How to get better in advanced SQL

132 points by dprophecyguy on 13-Feb-2019 | 21 comments

272. What are some open source projects that a beginner can work on?

131 points by thatsnotme on 01-Apr-2015 | 77 comments

273. Is there a project based book or course on Go for writing web APIs?

131 points by lignux on 15-Aug-2019 | 31 comments

274. Recommended guides for learning filesystems?

131 points by mgpela on 20-Jan-2017 | 32 comments

275. What is a must read for a developer without a computer science degree?

128 points by varrock on 07-Apr-2020 | 43 comments

276. How do you decide what to learn next?

128 points by vijayr on 24-Apr-2016 | 98 comments

277. How can I become a proper Project Manager from a Programmer?

128 points by wener on 12-Sep-2016 | 61 comments

278. Needs advice on learning NLP

127 points by navyad on 20-Feb-2017 | 28 comments

279. How to learn Backbone

125 points by robbiet480 on 26-Aug-2012 | 33 comments

280. Mathematicians, what textbooks are best for learning these math topics?

125 points by smithmayowa on 09-Apr-2019 | 33 comments

281. What source code is worth studying?

125 points by idlewords on 13-Oct-2009 | 114 comments

282. How did you learn math notation?

123 points by rullopat on 25-Nov-2021 | 249 comments

283. What jobs can I have knowing Python?

123 points by mahdi7d1 on 11-Apr-2022 | 83 comments

284. How does your organisation train programmers?

123 points by kqr on 09-Aug-2020 | 64 comments

285. How do I improve my command of mathematical language?

122 points by deboniscognitio on 23-Oct-2020 | 46 comments

286. Building a game for AI Research

121 points by keerthiko on 04-May-2018 | 36 comments

287. What are some nice electronics courses that blend theory and practice?

120 points by thro1237 on 02-Jan-2015 | 50 comments

288. I feel like an 'expert beginner' and I don't know how to get better

119 points by aoeuaue on 17-May-2014 | 52 comments

289. How can I become a self-taught software engineer?

119 points by examcoffee on 17-Dec-2017 | 94 comments

290. What do I need to learn to be useful as a hacker to defend my country?

119 points by axiosgunnar on 25-Feb-2022 | 52 comments

291. How to learn design as a hacker?

117 points by dkyc on 15-Aug-2014 | 49 comments

292. How’d you go from a noodler to writing large well structured programs?

115 points by hodder on 01-Nov-2017 | 72 comments

293. How do you teach you kids about computers and coding?

115 points by lazydon on 26-Feb-2018 | 67 comments

294. Best resources for non-technical founders to understand hacker mindset?

115 points by jamiecollinson on 15-May-2020 | 105 comments

295. What's your learning strategy?

115 points by iamlucaswolf on 13-Feb-2022 | 90 comments

296. With such fast changes in technology, how do you update your skillset?

114 points by ak93 on 17-Jan-2017 | 88 comments

297. How do you keep your programming motivation up?

114 points by shetill on 10-Sep-2019 | 130 comments

298. Can we write a programming language for biology?

113 points by hsikka on 07-Jan-2019 | 51 comments

299. Intermediate Python learning resources?

113 points by jesusx on 06-Jul-2013 | 41 comments

300. I could use a few more Erlang/Lisp/Scala/Node.js/Haskell articles please

112 points by iamelgringo on 23-Apr-2010 | 15 comments

301. Resources to encourage teen on becoming computer engineer?

111 points by tomrod on 19-Sep-2020 | 93 comments

302. Modern web design resources?

111 points by superuser2 on 10-Jul-2010 | 36 comments

303. How does your team handle knowledge documentation?

111 points by dalemyers on 06-Nov-2017 | 90 comments

304. Can you suggest some good JavaScript projects to read and learn?

109 points by balajics on 24-Jul-2015 | 46 comments

305. What's your favorite code practice site?

109 points by pmoriarty on 23-Oct-2018 | 29 comments

306. Resources for learning advanced JavaScript and React

109 points by CCing on 31-Jul-2017 | 43 comments

307. I want to learn how to prototype hardware. Where do I start?

108 points by allsystemsgo on 19-Jan-2014 | 36 comments

308. Courses like Coursera or Udemy but without the videos?

108 points by rgovind on 01-Jan-2016 | 55 comments

309. Learning Web Design

107 points by notnoop on 15-Aug-2010 | 32 comments

310. Which are the best conferences or summits on ML and AI

107 points by innoprenuer on 18-Dec-2017 | 29 comments

311. Language-agnostic concepts a Backend Engineer should know?

107 points by nicksont on 02-Jul-2021 | 59 comments

312. How to get back hacker's mentality and joy of coding

107 points by epimetheus2 on 25-Apr-2021 | 124 comments

313. How does a beginner best spend one week of learning machine learning?

107 points by mrborgen on 24-Apr-2015 | 35 comments

314. I want to learn statistics and data mining

105 points by oscardelben on 21-Nov-2009 | 37 comments

315. What are the bibles of Computer Science?

105 points by laddng on 22-Nov-2016 | 53 comments

316. How do you read and understand an open-source project?

105 points by amerf1 on 06-Jul-2019 | 24 comments

317. Good articles/courses for understanding mathematical notation?

104 points by rory_isAdonk on 19-Jun-2020 | 28 comments

318. What are the best resources for learning about algorithmic trading?

104 points by whiskers08xmt on 14-Mar-2017 | 19 comments

319. Programming is mentally overwhelming to me now. What to do?

103 points by tboyd47 on 29-Aug-2017 | 102 comments

320. How to be fluent in functional language speak?

103 points by _448 on 05-May-2020 | 107 comments

321. 'Crash Courses' for Mathematics Related to DL, ML and Data Analysis

103 points by mayankkaizen on 03-Mar-2018 | 23 comments

322. How can I get involved with Linux/OpenSSL/GnuPG/etc

103 points by ancarda on 07-Jan-2017 | 29 comments

323. Best resources to understand enterprise networking and security?

103 points by geewee on 19-May-2020 | 20 comments

324. How many "self-taught" programmers and how did you do it?

102 points by BWStearns on 30-Sep-2013 | 124 comments

325. How to get started with CB radio?

102 points by freediver on 04-Jul-2021 | 102 comments

326. Resources for learning about boot loaders?

102 points by rayascott on 21-Dec-2017 | 27 comments

327. How to learn about the history of computing?

101 points by vanschelven on 07-Jul-2015 | 83 comments